I’ve been talking to a lot of creatives lately about what they do and do not like about their “day jobs” and whether or not they’d like to go freelance full-time.
Something surprises me each time I hear their responses. Their thoughts tend to start like this:
“I don’t hate my day job, I just…”
“My day job isn’t really that bad, buutttt…..”
“There are lots of things I love, it’s just that….”
It’s great to hear that people aren’t miserable and generally see the positive side of their situation or career. But there is a flip-side to this “not so bad” coin.
It makes it too easy to settle.
Settle for “good enough”.
Here’s the problem with “good enough”: It doesn’t last.
And while you’re coasting by, focusing on only the positive stuff and ignoring the downsides, not taking action to fix them, your life is passing you by.
Projects that inspire you.
Colleagues and friendships that challenge you.
Income that you control.
Flexibility on how you spend 40 hours a week.
So what are you going to do about it?
I challenge you to make a list of every aspect of your professional life and rate how you feel about each from 1 to 3:
1 = Great
2 = Good enough
3 = Horrible
Here’s some examples for your list:
- The projects I work on
- My co-workers
- My bosses
- Respect I receive for the work I do
- Time spent away from family
- Vacation time
- Commute
- Work environment
- Clients I work with
- Inspiration on Monday mornings
- Motivation on Monday mornings
How’d you do?
Lots of 1’s or too many 2’s and 3’s? Here’s the truth: You can have all 1’s.
It’s just a matter of recognizing where you need them and taking active steps to change them. Otherwise, it’s too easy to be complacent.
I personally found that self-employment was the best way to go beyond “good enough” in all areas of my life. Although it’s not the only solution, if you’re hanging out here at the FTFP, I suspect you may think it can help you too.
Once you recognize that you are settling for “good enough”, it’s time to take action and plan your leap into full-time freelancing.
Let me know in the comments, are you settling for good enough or have you in the past? What areas do you need to work on?